Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sponsor A Day: The Damontes

Today happens to be two amazing women’s birthday! Happy Birthday to Carol Damonte and Cathy Thoma, two of the most fun twins around! Today’s travel is sponsored by Dirk and Carol Damonte, who have become some of the most important people in my life! Your family has helped me grow so immensely, and I can’t thank you enough for always supporting me and loving me like one of your own! I wanted to give a big shout out to the birthday girls in the hopes that you’re having a wonderful celebration. Even if you are apart, I know you’ll have some weird twin telepathy party going on. There’s never a dull moment with you two! Happy Birthday, Carol and Cath! =)

 (haha, just noticed that Cathy is on the left in all of these pictures, and Carol is on the right. Do you two always do that? =P)

Happy Birthday, Carol and Cathy, and a big THANK YOU to Carol and Dirk! =)

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