Monday, April 1, 2013

Geneva, Switzerland Part 2

Our schedule in UWP keeps us busy. SO busy, in fact, that we often remember cities by the show venue we were in, not by the culture of the city itself. Ask me about a city we've been to and I have to flash back to what the auditorium looked like or think about what host family I was with, because we rarely get out to actually see the city, as unfortunate as it is! Geneva was different, however. We finally had some built in free time to explore, and what a welcome surprise that was!!!

I had many different little excursions in Geneva, starting with the first night in town. I was in the first group to arrive, so we had some spare free time as we waited for the rest of the cast to show up. Many of us just wanted to be outside and get some air since we'd been cooped up for so long with our intense travel days. Beyah and I decided to talk as we walked around the surrounding neighborhood. We had no idea where we were going and didn't have a plan, but we eventually happened upon the Geneva Country Club and decided to go in! I was so nervous because I'm normally such a rule follower. I didn't want to disrespect the privacy of the club, but Beyah walked in and asked for a tour…and surprisingly enough, we got one! Haha. It was hilarious and a fun way to spend some time together. It's definitely not something I would normally do, but when you're in a foreign country for a week, why not?!

Some of the cast had a morning scavenger hunt on Thursday. I had my first train riding experience in Europe, and trains here are AWESOME! They're so convenient and nice to ride - half the time you don't even realize you're moving or coming to a stop they're so smooth! We rode a few stops down and had free time to explore the city! We saw the entrance to the United Nations and some other attractions, especially down by the water and the jet!

The next night, a few of us decided to stay after our internal time and have a night downtown in Geneva before being picked up by our host families. We went out to eat with a fun group and THOUGHT we'd have time to explore the city more, but we ended up having such great conversation that we never left the restaurant! We ate at a pasta restaurant and my tummy has never been so happy to have 4 cheese pasta before. Oh Switzerland, you definitely know your cheese! =)

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