Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Host Family Day: 4 Countries in 1 Day!

I say it every week, but I'll say it again. Host Family days are my ABSOLUTE favorite. They make this program so unique and so amazing! We're given one day to explore whatever with our hosts, and it makes the places we stay come alive. We get to explore things from a local perspective and we get to do some fantastic things that normal tourists wouldn't have the chance to do! My host family day in Vaduz was no exception. Let me break down the amazingness of our day, shall I?

We woke up and got ready. Then we met Heda's awesome friend, Etienne, and headed out to explore Castle #1 in Werdenberg, Switzerland.

Country Count: 1 (Switzerland)

Then we traveled back home so Liz could meet up with her friends who were in town from Germany. Heda, Etienne, and I enjoyed a DELICIOUS lunch of Raclette (a very traditional Swiss cheese meal) and then headed into Vaduz so I could get my passport stamped and so I could purchase some other little souvenirs. 

Country Count: 2 (Switzerland and Liechtenstein)

We headed back out to go visit Etienne's home village of Sargans. We visited ANOTHER castle and saw some more AMAZING sites! We even walked down into the village and explored all the nooks and crannies, including the village church and cemetery.

We headed back home yet again to collect Liz and head to AUSTRIA for our surprise dinner! We were very excited when we pulled up to yet ANOTHER castle - Schattenburg Castle! We enjoyed an incredible dinner of Schattenburgsnitzel, the schnitzel the castle is famous's 30cm long, no joke!
With my normal sized dinner fork for a size comparison!

Country Count: 3 (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Austria)

After dinner we decided to go back home via Germany, cuz why not conquer 4 countries in one day? So, we enjoyed a stroll in the pitch black along Lake Konstanz before popping up in Landau for some hot chocolate and taking in the very relaxing lights all around the water. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

Total Country Count: 4 (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, and Germany) 

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