Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Queen's Day - The Netherlands

Today, April 30th, is Queen's Day in the Netherlands. (From www.iamsterdam.com) "Queen's Day festivities invite locals and up to 800,000 visitors alike to soak up Amsterdam's open-air fun. In the streets, canals, parks and everywhere in between, the city is bursting with orange as Amsterdammers enjoy the biggest street party of the year. Amidst orange-pride, live music, DJs, parties and a citywide flea market, you'll find an electric atmosphere not to be missed. The first Konninginnedag (Queen's Day) was celebrated on 31 August 1885, in honour of the birth of Queen Wilhelmina. After her daughter Juliana succeeded to the throne in 1949, the day was changed to 30 April in accordance with the new Queen's birthday. Today, Queen's Day is still celebrated on 30 April as the Netherlands' current monarch, Queen Beatrix, chose to retain the day in honour of her mother. You'll be treated to a sea of orange as everyone - and their pet - is covered head to toe in oranje (orange) as a show of pride for the Dutch Royal family, the House of Orange-Nassau."

This Queen's Day, however, is EXTREMELY important to the Dutch because Queen Beatrix is abdicating the throne to her oldest son, Prince Willem-Alexander. King Willem-Alexander will be the nation’s first king since 1890 and will be 46 years old when he ascends to the throne.
The future King and his family

It was fantastic being in the Netherlands 1 1/2 weeks ago because we got to really feel the excitement leading up to this Queen's Day (which will now be King's Day in the future). Orange items (the official color of the Royal Family) were being sold EVERYWHERE, and news of the Royal Family inundated everything! Even here in Belgium the news is teeming with Royal Family stories. People in these parts are very excited to welcome a new King and his wife, Maxima, as their Queen.

Check out how the Dutch celebrate in their orange!
The Netherlands flag with orange streamers attached

Is it just me, or does the guy on the right look like Steve Carell?
Happy Queen's/King's Day, everyone!

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