Friday, April 12, 2013

Host Family Day: Waterfall and Flour Mill family day in La Chaux-de-Fonds was one of the more entertaining days I've ever encountered. Why? Because we had NO idea what we were doing the ENTIRE day. No one could really communicate to us what adventure we were going on, so we piled into cars and hoped for the best! Nothing like going on a surprise adventure!

We traveled across the border to France (mind you, crossing the border here was simply driving through the village!) and eventually pulled into a parking lot where we saw a BUNCH of other Uppies. We were supremely confused, because earlier that day, the boys who were standing in the parking lot posted on Facebook that they were going to Paris. Huh? Did that mean we were going to Paris, too? But that couldn't be, because Paris was too far away for a day trip. Still really confused! Then a boat pulled up, and without knowing what we were doing, we got on and sat down. Ok. More Uppies showed up and we had one big group on board!

We eventually found out that we were taking a riverboat cruise type thing down the Doubs River which separates France and Switzerland. We stopped and got out to walk to a waterfall. We ran into even MORE Uppies! We took some time to explore the falls then headed back to the boat. We got off and said goodbye to everyone, thinking that was the end of our day. But then all the cars drove to the same place... awkward!
27 meters high
Uppies gathered above the waterfall

Left side = Switzerland. Right side = France
We all got out and realized we were spending more time together, but we still didn't know where we were or what we were doing. We were handed audio tour devices and told to go explore, but we didn't know what we were going to explore! It wasn't until I was walking down a staircase into a cave that I had the slightest idea of what we were doing! We were in an old flour mill that was housed in a cave. Pretty amazing, but also slightly claustrophobic at times. Giselle, Amilee, McKenzie and I actually took the time to listen to all the narrations at the various points of interest and took much longer than anything. By the time we surfaced from the cave, a smaller group was waiting for us. It ended up that everyone was shuffling cars and we didn't know who was going where, but we ended up taking Andrew home with us. We showed up and Anna asked, "So...why is Andrew here?" We couldn't really answer that question - we just went along with it! We hung out and eventually learned we were going to our Sponsor's house for dinner, so was Andrew, so that's why we had him. 

The outside of the mill

We had a huge group gather for dinner - 3 host families in total, so 10 of us Uppies. It was a rambunctious night full of tons of food, quite a few bottles of win, foosball, pinball, pool, hot tubbing, and a sauna. We didn't get home until 11:30pm and THEN had to do homework and pack! Whoops! Nothing like going to bed at 3am before a travel day! =P

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