Sunday, April 7, 2013

Show Days!

I realized that I write a lot about my host families and what we do on our host family days, and I include some posts about regional learning days in each city, but I've never really written about the most obvious part of our program: show day! We work so hard throughout staging and then every week on the road to produce a phenomenal show, but I've never put into words what all goes on because I didn't have a good way to show "a day in the life of" us Uppies! Our European road technician, Wouter, filmed an entire show day from beginning to end and created a time lapse for all of us to see (and share!) to give a better idea of what happens! 

To give you a little explanation of all that goes on in the time lapse, here's a general run down of our show days:
8:00am - drop off
8:30am- morning meeting
9:00am- sign outs (this means you do certain jobs to help prepare for the show. Stage set-up, lobby set-up, merchandise, admissions, costumes, blog, etc. etc.)
12:00pm- lunch
1:00pm - show notes and warm-ups (dance and vocal)
2:00pm - rehearsal
5:00pm - dinner/get ready
6:30pm - Green Room (this time varies based on show time)
7:00pm - show time! (again - this varies)
10:00pm - STRIKE! (we play our strike song and dance like crazy on stage, then get to work doing more sign outs - Stage strike, putting costumes away, clean-up, etc!)
12:00am - pick up

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