Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Vero Beach, FL

Vero Beach has been a blast! Per usual, weeks are just flying by! We get to a city, and then it seems like we're turning right back around and leaving it! It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're busy busy busy! =)

Monday was our travel day, but it was also a day for the cast to explore Disney's EPCOT! We had a lot of fun seeing the backlot and meeting international staff members who worked in the various country pavilions of the International Showcase part of the park. We then had the rest of the morning and afternoon free to explore. Edward and Jessica showed up to do a bit of the park with us. We hit up the main attractions: Test Track, Mission Space, and Soarin' before eating some lunch and then heading into the back of the park to see the international spread! After all, we ARE an international cast! =) Our day was a little rushed as we had to be back at the busses by 3:30 to make our way to Vero, but who can complain about a free day at Disney? Not me!

In the Canadian pavilion. A replica of my MOST favorite place ever...Butchart Gardens
Of course I had to get one last Mickey ice cream bar!

My bus date into town was the lovely Sage, but the poor thing got SUPER sick in Disney and ended up sleeping the whole ride to Vero. That's ok, though. My only hope was that she'd feel better!

That night we met up with our new host families in Vero Beach! I would be rooming with Wenfei from China and our host mom was Millie, a sweet, LOUD lady who lives just down the street from the high school. Millie occasionally substitute teaches, and she's a vivacious, bubbly personality that knows everyone in town! We never went someplace this week where she didn't know someone!
This week's host codes were super hero themed! Ours was "Batman"
We had some fun at the beach one evening after our day with the cast, and we happened to run into some other Uppies as well!

An unexpected wave got us all! Whoops! Poor Brenda and her crutches!

Uppies on a beach!
We also had some FANTASTIC Community Impact days this week! I especially loved weeding at Shining Light Gardens. What a fantastic day of amazing conversations and making a difference in the community!
Weeding all the unnecessary growth away from the onions

The Study Abroad group had a great day. We got work done, Skyped with one of our awesome profs Pete (Peder Victorious to us), AND we had time to go thrifting! Hooray!

And of course we had two great shows! It was especially impactful having some of the kids from other community impact sites (Dasie Hope Center and the Gifford Youth Activity Center), also our show beneficiaries, come to our show Friday night. They had so much fun and so sweet - and they especially loved when we performed Gangnam Style! haha. My host mom was able to come to both shows, too, so that was fun. And of course, Edward and Jessica were there sitting in their usual front row seats.
Friday night
Saturday night
For host family day, we girls had quite the adventure! We slept in (so nice!) then went on our first air boat ride! What a thing! I never thought I'd be so bundled while living in Florida, but goodness that wind makes it cold! We saw some awesome wildlife and had a blast!

Front row, baby!
Oh hey, mister alligator! We saw quite a few up close!
We did a little bit of shopping so Wen could buy a new suitcase and so I could get some essentials before hitting the road tomorrow! When we got home, we made some food for our party later that night! Millie made delicious BBQ ribs and we all helped make a chocolate peanut butter trifle! YUM!

Yup...that layer just happened! =)

We also had a blast partying with Bailey, Lis, and Sifan a couple streets over. We played pool, listened to music, ate delicious food and a killer dessert, and salsa danced our little hearts out with the help of Lis' awesome teaching! After we came home to finish packing and watch my episode of Wheel of Fortune!

What a great week! Crazy to think we're leaving Florida, but on to more adventures! Thanks for everything, Mama Millie! =)

1 comment:

Mama Millie said...

ME, LOUD??? Only during your awesome shows!! LOL

Loved having you and Wen with me for the week. Wish it could have been longer so we could have done more around town!! I live in a lovely, vibrant community and it would have been nice to have shared more of it with the two of you.

I know, you just have to come back and visit in the future!!!

I know you are going to love the rest of the journey!!

Blessings as you travel forth throughout the world!!

Mama Millie