Thursday, March 21, 2013

CI- Keep Bulloch Beautiful

When we arrived in Statesboro, I found out I would be participating in a CI I didn't sign up, nor was it one we learned about the week before when we briefed our possible Community Impacts. I was signed up for "Keep Bulloch Beautiful." Huh? I will admit I wasn't thrilled because I REALLY wanted to go work with the Boys and Girls Club, not pick up trash, like I thought we'd be doing. In the end, however, it was a CI that could help the community, so I went with it.

The morning of CI, our group of six girls set out for the recycling plant. Giselle (Mexico), Myriam (Belgium), Jennelie (Sweden), Connie (Germany), Lauren (South Dakota) and me! We pulled up and saw this:

 I was immediately intrigued. I am very passionate about recycling and HATE when people are wasteful. We had a great tour and talk with Kelly, the woman in charge of the Keep Bulloch Beautiful project. She was great and we had a really nice time talking and sharing stories of how recycling works in the various countries we represented. Then we got to work doing our community impact!

We started by sorting recycling. It sounds lame and gross...and parts of it were nasty, but it was AWESOME! You learn so much from sorting recycling. It makes you appreciate people who are conscious of recycling and who SORT their recycling/trash properly. Who throws used puppy pee pads into their recycling bin...really?!? (haha...sorry Lauren!)

Ready at our conveyor belt, ready to sort recycling!

Please take the time to check out the video I made about recycling and how we can make a positive impact on our planet!

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