Saturday, March 23, 2013

Host Family Day: World of Coca-Cola

For our host family day in Atlanta, I knew I could sway what we did since mom and dad were in town! We slept in, which was WONDERFUL and definitely needed…but Molly’s alarm clock went off without her ever knowing it was set. Luckily that wasn’t until 9:15, so we still got some good sleep in. We had a gorgeous and delicious egg dish breakfast with everyone! Then Molly and I worked on packing and organizing a bit before saying goodbye to Edward and Jessica. It was nice spending the last weekend in the US with them, and having them meet my family!

After they left, Mom, Dad, Molly, and I headed to the MARTA station to ride downtown to the World of Coke. We were going to do both the Aquarium and WoC, but we got a late start and the Aquarium was going to close at 5…we didn’t get downtown until 3, so… We enjoyed exploring the World of Coca-Cola and trying 64+ Coca-Cola products from all over the world! I’ll tell you what, some Coke products are nasty!! I enjoyed quite a few from Europe, but so many of the other continent drinks were just plain weird! My tummy wasn’t my biggest fan after I insisted on drinking all 64 flavors! We explored the gift shop and I found awesome shirts that are made out of recycled Coca-cola bottles, so I knew I had to get those!

Holding the Olympic torch

Fresh Coca-Colas!
Tons of fun designs for the Coke bottles
Gotta celebrate St. Patty's Day in style!
We headed back and met Judy for dinner. We were going to an Irish Pub, but it was packed and had a very expensive cover fee, so we went across the street to a wine and tapas bar. That night, we were furiously packing and preparing for Europe, and we also welcomed Misa over for the night since she’d been staying with her family and they were leaving early the next morning. So, we had some girl time and then headed to bed late late late!

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