Friday, March 22, 2013

Roomie Blog: Clemence

So, I've had quite the streak of roommates during UWP! I've roomed with a Belgian, Chinese, Belgian, Chinese, and in Statesboro...yet another Belgian! Go figure! Clemence is a dear heart who is so funny and crazy at times! We had fun getting to know one another better in Orlando, and it was great to spend more time with her as a roommate this week!

All About Clemence:

From: Brussels, Belgium

Age: 18

Favorite color: Green

Favorite thing we did together as roommates: Goofing off in the loft on Friday night after the show. We took ridiculous pictures and giggled...a lot!

Fun facts:
- She plays field hockey
- She rides horses (and was SHOCKED that we here in the US don't ride every week)
- She speaks French, English, and Dutch!
- She LOVES Nutella and would willingly eat it out of the jar by the spoonful
- She calls cookies biscuits...or as she says, "Biskweeeets" and loves the "Biskweeeets with marshmallows." ... aka s'mores! =P

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