Sunday, March 3, 2013

Roomie Blog: Wenfei

A short while into our arrival at Vero Beach, Wen ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug saying, "HI ROOMIE!" I was so excited to room with this amazing gal! And to think, within one month I've had both our Chinese girls as roommates! Awesome!

From: Ginan, China

Age: 24

Favorite color: Green

Favorite activity we did as roomies: "So many things! I really liked the party tonight [with Lis, Bailey, and Sifan], the air boat ride, and making dishes together!"

Some other fun facts about Wen:
- She speaks Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, and a little bit of Japanese
- She is terrified of sharp things! I learned that the wrong way by accidentally waving a knife too close in her general direction! haha
- She LOVES to cuddle! =)
- She is easily excited about many things. It's adorable.
- Our host mom, Millie, and I introduced her to the joys of Kettle Corn and brownie batter. YUM!
- She loves seafood of any kind
- After UWP, she's going to finish her master's program in SPAIN. Yeah...this girl is awesome!
Time for our first air boat ride!
Wen enjoying brownie batter for the first time!

1 comment:

Mama Millie said...

You are so right - she is a cuddle bunny!! She loves to give and get hugs!!!

Love my Chinese daughter!