Sunday, March 24, 2013

Roomie Blog: Molly C.

It's quite uncommon in our US tour for UWP to host two American students together, so Molly and I realized we might never be roommates. We wanted to change that, so since I knew who my hosts were going to be, I requested to have Molly as my roommate for the week! =)

So, some info about Miss Molly!
From: Northfield, Vermont, USA


Favorite color: purple

Molly's favorite activity we did as roomies: All of our late night pillow talk and chit-chat. There was ALWAYS something to talk much so that we rarely got to bed before 1am...oops!

Some other fun facts about Molly:
- She's a ridiculously good singer and dancer
- She participated in the first summer of Camp Up with People 
- She, too, has a big brother Michael (and a brother Benjamin)
- She is going to school in the fall to study Music Education (hooray!)


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