Sunday, May 5, 2013

Roomie Blog: Lis (Cooooooba!)

My roommate in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw this week was Lis from Cuba....or Coooooooba as she always says during Country Introductions in our show! She's so cute and energetic. It's great that Up with People was able to select Cuban students to travel for the first time, and we love having Lis around! Unfortunately because I was so sick this week, because she came home with a bad headache one day (so she slept all night), and because she visited other friends on host family day, we didn't spend much time together as roommates, but we still had a great week.

About Lis:
From: Havana, Cuba
Age: 24 (almost 25)
Favorite Color: Purple
Lis' favorite thing we did together as roommates: dinner together when we ate fries and had our host family's friends over.

Fun facts about Lis:
- She teaches children ages 6-12 salsa dancing at home. She's SO good at it!
- She has a 2-year-old son named Diego whom she misses dearly!
- Her best friend of 10 years, Pedro, is also traveling with us!
- Her favorite things to say in English are "AWESOME!" and "OhmyGod!" (all slurred together!)

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