Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Host Family Day: Mexico City

For host family day, we had a leisurely morning with eggs and beans for breakfast, then loaded up and drove to a shopping mall to buy Tour Bus tickets to tour Mexico City. We waited around for QUITE a bit expecting a bus to show up, but it wasn't for another 45 min. or so before a bus finally arrived. Then the top level of the double-decker bus was full on that bus, so we opted to ride for a bit down below. I'm happy we did because many people were coming down burning hot and bright red from the sun! We got off a couple of stops into our tour to eat lunch at a very cute restaurant that had an outdoor (shaded) terrace. I ordered a yummy salad and a meat empanada, then we treated ourselves to some yummy desserts. I have lemon cake with a crazy glaze on it. Yum!

After lunch we were able to catch another bus that had room up top. We saw many different buildings and monuments, many of which I (ashamedly) cannot remember the names of, but I do have pictures to show!
The performing arts building for ballet, etc.

Mariana and me
Silvia and Paulina
Once we got home, we had a small dinner of hotdogs...yup! Felt like good ol' America! Then I barricaded myself in my room to make sure I got packing and homework assignments done!

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