Thursday, May 23, 2013

Regional Learning: Teotihuacan Pyramids

What an INCREDIBLE regional learning day! On our travel day from Naucalpan to Toluca, Mexico, Cast A was privileged to spend the day at the Teotihuacan pyramids. Just wow. I had seen pictures before, but it is an entirely different experience seeing them firsthand and climbing them! We walked as a cast along "Death Avenue" to the largest of the pyramids, the Sun Pyramid. After taking a moment to take a cast photo, we were given free time for two hours to go explore. What did we do? Head for the top, of course! Tara and I decided to document our experience for everyone to see!

We had an incredible time at the top of the pyramid taking picture after picture. It was so funny to see what groups yelled for each other to snap quick group photos: "Study Abroads!" "Dade City Crew!" "Coloradans!" "Belgians!" "Band!" "Staff!" "JUMPING PICTURE!!!" Everyone was so excited to feel on top of the world!
Same hometown and high school, baby!

After climbing, many of us did some great souvenir shopping from the local vendors, then we walked to a restaurant to enjoy lunch. It was hot, but we still enjoyed our food!

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