Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Regional Learning: Bruges, Belgium

So much to update! Sometimes I look at my life in UWP and think "HOLY COW! How is this possible?!?" Last week I was going from Sint-Pieters-Leeuw to explore the historic town of Bruges, and now, one week later, I've lived in Tielt and drove to Frankfurt to fly to Mexico! ALL IN ONE WEEK! Time in UWP feels so funny because things fly by, but at the same time, we pack so much into one week that it feels like so much longer!

Let me try and recap all that's happened in the last week! On our travel day from Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium to Tielt, Belgium, we took some time to sightsee! Our cast's 2nd semester students took off for their mini-retreat-type trip to the south of Belgium, and the rest of us were able to spend the gorgeous, sunshiney day in Bruges, Belgium - a super historic old town built on canals.

Things we did:
  • Shop for souvenirs
  • Sample chocolate
  • Watch lollipops being made
  • Ate fries (with curry ketchup - strange)
  • Explored
  • Ventured on a canal tour with 25ish of our closest friends (note the sarcasm...they were complete strangers)
  • Eat waffles and ice cream
  • Enjoy the gorgeous weather, architecture, and flowers!
Front: Brian, Diana, Amy, Linnea | Back: Sage, Tara

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