Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Roomie Blog: Bettina

My wonderful roomie this week in Tielt was the gorgeous Bettina from Norway! Fun fact - Bettina was one of the FIRST people of my cast I ever met! I bought my Voices CD from her at the merch table in Denver when I went to see the show last August! I asked if she was going to be a second semester and she said yes, so I told her to remember me because we'd be cast mates the following semester!

We had a great time together this week and got to share bunkbeds! =) So, without further ado, Miss Bettina:

From: Oslo, Norway
Age: 19
Favorite Color: Blue (you'd never guess looking at all of her belongings...note the sarcasm)
Bettina's Favorite thing we did together as roomies: The night we enjoyed ice cream from the ice cream truck with An and Robrecht!

Fun Facts about Bettina:
- She loves fishing and running- this girl runs like a machine!
- She thought she was a boy when she was younger! haha. I suppose that'll happen when you grow up with 3 brothers and are the only girl!
- She talks in her sleep - I witnessed this!
hahaha- we took this picture back in Ft. Myers- our first city on the road!

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