Friday, February 8, 2013

The Night Before...

It's the night before our FIRST SHOW! I can't believe this is all becoming a reality! I've seen UWP shows before and now here I am...IN one! It's insane how this whole process works. We work day in and day out for 4 weeks, and here we are...with a show that miraculously came together. My friend Isaiah (who's a 2nd semester student) told me at the beginning of this week that UWP has a way of always sprinkling some magic on shows to make things come together, but I didn't believe him. I was completely set on thinking that our show was going to fail. But tonight, we had a long day of rehearsal from 8am-9pm, and in that time, we pulled it all together! I can't tell you how many times this journey has felt like an emotional yo-yo/roller coaster with some major HIGHS and some EXTREME lows, but now, it finally feels like Cast A 2013 has a show...and a show to be proud of! It's awesome to look back on the journey we've traveled since January 11th! Here's to an awesome opening night, cast mates! I can't wait to do this time and time again this semester...all over the world! =)

Here's a quick look at our dress rehearsal tonight as we practiced the 2nd song in the show...Party Around the World.

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