Friday, February 22, 2013

Edison Festival of Lights - Ft. Myers, FL

On Saturday, Feb. 16th, Cast A had the amazing fortune of marching in Fort Myer's Edison Festival of Lights. The town was Thomas Edison's winter home, so they like carrying on a tradition that utilizes his invention...the lightbulb! We met up in the afternoon, got ready, organized ourselves, and accessorized with glowsticks from head to toe! We had a blast jamming to our show music and telling the crowd about our upcoming shows!

Chip, Hunter, and I (hooray Coloradans!) all served as Emcee's for the parade and walked around with a microphone "interviewing" our castmates. We tried to get as many different nationalities as possible to speak, and it was so much fun getting to interact with the cast and the crowd, pumping up for our double show day the next day!

Our cast photo assistants captured some great shots of the group! 

After the show, Giselle and I realized we could fit two people in her one GIGANTIC show costume skirt! haha
It was an awesome night. Our cast had such a fun time in the parade!

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