Sunday, February 10, 2013

Roomie Blog: Sifan

Even though I stayed with the same wonderful family the whole time I was in Lakeland, some folks were shifted around 2 weeks into Cast A's staging. Because my first roommate, Jolien, left about a week in to staging to go set up our first city on the road, Ft. Myers, I was an only child for a little while. At the end of the week, I found out my new roommate would be Sifan Liu from China! I was SOOOOOO excited to spend more time with this lovely lady!

So, fun facts about Sifan:

From: Shanghai, China

Age: 21

Favorite color: Red

Favorite activity we did as roomies: "Um...lots of things! But...maybe...cookie dough?!?" haha. For those of you who don't know, I introduced Miss Sifan to the goodness that is cookie dough. We actually made an egg-free "just to eat" cookie dough, and I didn't think it was as good as the real deal, but this girl was in heaven! =)

Some other fun facts about Sifan:
- She can sleep anywhere, anytime! It's amazing the talent this girl has! I've watched her sleep standing up on a bus before! haha
- She is learning Spanish...she even has a Spanish book in's that for confusion?
- She is an AMAZING artist. She sketches in her journal and her work is stunning
- She has now been fully introduced to how messed up "Chinese food" is in America...sorry Sifan!
- For the first 6 weeks of tour, she is a Stage Assistant and helps operate many of the "behind the scenes" things for our show!
- She is very patient in explaining her culture...especially the language and its MANY characters! (We had way too much fun with this at dinner tonight trying to read our fortune cookies! =P)

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