Saturday, April 13, 2013

Roomie Blog: La Chaux-de-Fonds

For the first time, I was roomed with more than one person! Hooray! I lived with Giselle for a second week in a row, Amilee, one of my besties from the FSC study abroad group, and ITALY...ok...really Anna. But I was so excited because all three were girls I knew would be an absolute blast spending time with them. We stayed in a joke...attached to the family's house. We had a nice big room with four beds, our own bathroom(s), and a big open space for our luggage. It was an ideal set up and we had a blast this week with 4 girls!
At our restaurant! This is where we stayed for the week!

Giselle was my roommate last week in Frauenfeld, and right before our allocation meeting in Neuchatel, we hugged and said, "Awe...we'll never be roomed together again..." and then BAM! We were roomed together immediately again! =)

From: Toluca, Mexico and studies in Mexico City. 

Age: 19 (She turned 19 the day my Wheel of Fortune episode aired...January 18th!)

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite activity we did together as roommates:
From Frauenfeld: Getting to laugh for hours with our host family screaming my name and baking bread together for the first time!
From La Chaux-de-Fonds: I would say the assassin curves on the way up to the house and Laura driving like a maniac!
Baking bread for the first time!
From: Clinton, New Jersey, USA

Age: 19

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite activity we did together as roommates: Snuggle while watching Les Choristes!

From: Muggia, Trieste, Italy

Age: 19

Favorite Color: Red or Orange

Favorite activity we did together as roommates: having so much fun at dinner laughing at the hanging dog and trying that disgusting liquor!
The nasty, nasty homemade liquor from their village. I smelled it, but respectfully declined tasting it. The other girls, however, tried a bit and hated every second of it!
This is what happens when your roommates steal your phone
I should also note that on our last night in town, my lovely roommates decided to play a joke on me while I was in the shower. I lent Anna my computer, and before I knew it, they were on Facebook changing my birthday to the next day. The entire cast thought it was my birthday the next travel day, so I constantly had to explain that it wasn't my birthday because Facebook prevents you from immediately changing your birthday once it's been changed. So frustrating, but really funny all at the same time. It was a fun week with these girls!

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