Because of the Easter weekend, we were given an AMAZING 3 days off to spend with our host families. Mind you, this NEVER happens in UWP! The most we get is one day a week, and I was thrilled that I'd have more time to spend with my host family! PLUS, my parents were in town, so we were going to spend Friday with them! Since we had so many great adventures, I'm going to post different blogs about the different days!
Friday started off a little rough. When we're given mornings to sleep in, we use them! Our bodies are good at operating on minimal amounts of sleep, but then when we let them have a day without an alarm clock, we REALLY sleep! I was texting my parents earlier in the morning when I woke up and saw messages on my phone, and we thought they would arrive in Frauenfeld by train around 10:16am, but we didn't set anything in stone. But then I rolled over and kept sleeping. Ugh oh! Dagmar came into our room at 11am saying we might want to get up, and I had a panic attack! My parents were probably waiting at the train station for me, and here I was, still sleeping! YIKES! I flew out of bed, still in my PJs, and rode to the train station with Dagmar to pick them up. We found them, and all was rectified. Sorry Mom and Dad!
We ate breakfast then took off around 12:30 to go to "the mountain" and to Appenzell. Our neighbors came, too, so we had a big group of 14! We rode up as the snow started to fall and happened upon an alpine slide type rollercoaster ride. I was thrilled, and then found out we were actually going to ride it! Huzzah! I convinced mom and dad to try, too, even though I know that's completely out of my mom's comfort zone! I should have known things might not go so well when they were put in cart #13. Whoops...
Giselle and Kevin ready to ride |
With my host sister, Milena! | |
Loaded and ready to go... |
The ride up |
But then we ran into some trouble. The snow was falling and mom and dad went first. Dad was in control of the brakes since he was in back of the cart, and even when he tried to slow down around a turn, he couldn't and the cart derailed from the track. NOT GOOD! As we came down the track, we all had to stop. Eventually we got out to try and help, but no one could get the cart off the tracks and we didn't know what to do!
Kevin and Dad try and find a solution |
Photo op as we were stuck on the turn |
View from the accident spot. SO SNOWY! |
We eventually made it down after they were able to pry the cart off the tracks and the man working at the place came up with another cart. What a fiasco, though! Mom and dad felt sore from being tossed off the track, but luckily no one was seriously hurt. Instead of going for another run, we all decided to get some warm drinks and hang out inside before heading off to Appenzell.
Since it was Good Friday (which is a national holiday here in Switzerland), nearly all the stores were closed in town. We still enjoyed walking around and seeing the adorable little town. We learned that Appenzell is known for making Biber...a yummy little spice cake filled with marzipan, and we happened to run into Erin and Linnea, other Uppies!
Traditional Uppie jumping picture! |
Having a Fika...which we later learned is a Swedish word that does NOT translate nicely in German...oopsies! |
With Biber |
We went home and enjoyed a nice family dinner before we took off for the train station. My parents were going back to Zurich so they could fly back to the States the next morning, and the rest of us were going to catch a train to Weinfelden to go clubbing with the cast! My parents and I said goodbye on the platform - we'll be together again before we know it!
Adam, me, Frank, Giselle, and one host brother, Martin on our way to the club |
Friend Michelle, my host sister Milena, Kevin, and Oshizu |
We had an absolutely fantastic night dancing and partying with a lot of the UWP cast. Our PR team got us into the Firehouse for free and the atmosphere was just so much fun. We had a great group and fantastic music all night long!
Sisters! | |
Overall, Friday was absolutely FANTASTIC!
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