Saturday, January 26, 2013

Highs and Lows

In UWP, we like to talk about our Highs and Lows as a way to process our very busy weeks. I thought instead of posting a ton about the details of the week, I'd simply give some highs and lows:

(We'll start with the lows so we can end of a high note!)

- Our staging schedule keeps us SO busy that we don't have much downtime/free time to sit and talk and get to know one another. And at the end of our day, we're quickly ushered out the door as to not keep our host families waiting! So...I've often been bummed when I want to talk to someone or say goodbye at the end of the day and never have a chance to! In my ideal world, we'd all have an hour to hug and kiss and say goodbye.
- Vocals are taught VERY differently here. No sheet music, not much technique is addressed, and I'm going crazy trying to keep everything straight when it's not in a choral setting. Yikes. But, new challenges. I'm also working hard to keep my voice healthy and not overdo any talking and/or singing. Our schedule doesn't make this easy in the least.
- I'm learning that even though I can be a very confident individual, my self-confidence can tank EASILY when I become frustrated with new challenges. Dancing is making this VERY obvious to me. I've been so fortunate to be pulled out for quite a few dance line workshops, which are SO fun, but the steps are difficult and are taught VERY quickly. Since I don't have a dancing background, I feel like I flounder and don't dance as well as I know I could if things were slowed down. But, I'm keeping up as best I can.
- Along those lines, I have been feeling overwhelmed in general during this staging process. The schedule keeps going at the speed of light no matter what happens, so when I'm pulled out for singing, speaking, or dancing modules, I miss what the rest of the cast is doing. But then it's up to me to make up all that I missed. But then the problem is I don't have any spare time TO make it up! =P

- I LOVE that the Mexican students influenced our cast culture immediately. Traditionally in Mexico, you greet someone by kissing on the cheek. So, what do we do every morning? We hug and kiss and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! =)
- My host parents are the ultimate best host parents ever! I love my time with Edward and Jessica!
- We got to celebrate Edward's birthday last Sunday!
- I'm forming some amazing friendships that just make me smile from ear to ear!
- The education workshops we've done have been a whole lot of fun, which (I will admit) I didn't think they would be! Our Leadership Roundtable was awesome this week.
- I've been so fortunate to be pulled out for some kind of workshop every single day, whether it's solo singing, dance line work, or speaking workshops for the Emcee role in the show. It's great to try a little bit of everything, challenge myself in new ways, and work more one-on-one with the awesome staff.
- The food continues to be great. An extra special bonus is having a frozen yogurt machine in the cafeteria!
- The workouts here are KICKING MY BUTT, but they are so great (Thanks, Miguel. We love you and we hate you all at the same time! haha)
- CULTURE JAM! Such a great night of sharing cultures represented in our cast! 
- I've had two new roommates in the last week. When Jolien left, I was temporarily an only child. But then we took in Barby (Mexico) for a couple of days, and now my new roommate is Sifan (China). Love it!
- I'm having the absolute time of my life here! As overwhelming as this whole process is, I'm loving being super busy and coming home exhausted at the end of every day!

Me and Diana (California). We're cool.
Hector (Mexico) was having a bit of trouble keeping his eyes open in previous pictures. So here, he made sure they were wide open! =)
Leadership Roundtable
Me, Sage (California), and Brian (New York)
Cast photo day! There we are! I'm in the back row, right under Caleb's tall extended arm. This is our crazy photo. There'll be a nice, formal photo posted later!

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