Saturday, July 14, 2012

Help Wanted!

Unfortunately in today's economy, my plea of "HELP WANTED" does not result in employment with pay, but it does come with tons of appreciation, gratitude, and smiles!

As many folks know, my family and I are busy organizing and hosting garage sales to help earn more money for my UWP travels. The problem is, my work schedule keeps me tied up for a couple of hours Friday and Saturday mornings...the prime time for sales! And my dad has commitments at church this upcoming Saturday, so that leaves my mom kind of high and dry on her own. My fabulously hilarious Aunt Sarah will be flying in to town from Iowa to help out, but it's still difficult to manage a garage sale with only 2 people, especially given the heat we've been having lately! I don't want to leave them alone to such a huge task!

My plea is this! If any friends in the Denver area are wanting to help out my fundraising campaign but can't donate financially (let's face college folk or recent grads aren't exactly loaded with extra dough!), would you be willing to donate your time by coming to work at one or many of my garage sales? Whether you could volunteer 1 hour of your time, or a day or two, we would LOVE to have more hands on deck to help out with the garage sale.

This weekend, I made over $2,000 to apply to my travels, so there is no doubt these garage sales are profitable...they just take manpower and a lot of dedication! If you are interested in donating your time, please contact me. I will forever be indebted to you!

Text me, call me, email me, facebook me, leave a message here! There are plenty of ways to get a hold of me! 

Also, if you have any unwanted items around your house, big or small, that you are willing to donate to my sales, please let me know! These garage sales wouldn't be possible without so many AMAZING, generous donations from friends!


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