Saturday, July 21, 2012

True Life: I'm Living in Perpetual Garage Sale Crazy!

Finally a post with pictures! I feel like blog posts with pictures are MUCH more engaging and exciting! =) So read on, dear friends!

My life, besides teaching with Petite Musician and decorating cakes at Cold Stone, has been solely dedicated to garage sales as a means of fundraising for UWP. My word have my days been crazy! Either we've been pricing, sorting, organizing, weeding out our own house, advertising on Craigslist and Amazon, setting up the whole sale, or working the sale itself. NON STOP! But - every little bit is helping me! So far, I've managed to raise close to $3,000 from two weekends of sales! Now...even though we've sold some big ticket items, most of those sales come from .25 cent and .50 cent purchases! Now if that isn't a testament to how much merchandise we have, I don't know what is!

Perhaps I should just show you, instead! =)

These two aren't for sale. They're my help! =)

We just keep selling and selling! And when we sell stuff, we go in to the house and bring MORE stuff out to fill the void! And when we run out of stuff in the house, friends and neighbors show up with more stuff for us to price. I kid you not when I say this is an ongoing, continuous process! 

My mother says if nothing else, I have a future as a garage sale organizer. I just get a big smile on my face when customer after customer walks up and declares, "My gosh! This is the MOST organized garage sale I've ever been to!" What can I say? I like organizing by "department" so people know just what they're looking at! Kitchen - check. Sporting goods - check. Clothing - check. Children's toy - yup! Crafts, baby, linens, electronics. You name it, we've got it!

Come by our sales and see more of what we have to offer! =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Should your own supply of items run out, I bet you could market your "garage sale organizer skills" and people would PAY to have you set up their sale! Just organize, set up and leave the rest to them!!! Just a thought!! :)