Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Host Family Day: Disney Day 2

After our first trip to Disney, Edward told me that for our last host family day, we'd have to go out like we began...WITH DISNEY! =) We headed to Hollywood Studios for our last host family day...and we had a BLAST! =)

Tower of Terror: 2 times
Rockin Roller Coaster: 3 times
Toy Story Mania: 2 times
Star Wars Star Tours: 1 time
Beauty and the Beast Show
Fantasmic Show!

1st time ride for Sifan! These two were a little scared.

But Jessica and I LOVED it! =)

Mickey ice creams at the Fantasmic show

After Disney, we took Sifan to a Chinese buffet so she could understand what Americans think Chinese food is. She was...shocked. haha

 I tried new things...like mussels. Ew.

Thanks for all the memories, Jessica and Edward! Love you guys!

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