Monday, February 11, 2013

First Show Day!

Well, we did it! Cast A successfully performed our first show in Lakeland, FL! It was awesome. We had 1,400 people in attendance and had a blast finally performing for an audience!

Let's back up to that morning, however! We arrived around 12:30pm and started our "morning meeting" at 1pm. We finished up business, but then our Education Coordinator announced that we were going to play "Wheel of Fortune." What? Before I knew it, I was being summoned to the front of the cast to play! I assumed it was going to be some kind of message giving us words of encouragement for our upcoming show. But the more letters I called out, the more I realized that wasn't it at all! The excitement in the room erupted as we all realized that "WE WILL GO TO DISNEY EPCOT!" as a whole cast!!!

 After that excitement, we warmed up and went into rehearsal. After some stop-and-go rehearsal, we did a full run-through and then broke for dinner. It was TASTY (pulled pork sandwiches and sides). Then it was time for our very first Green Room! We had a bit of a party, then introduced and thanked guests. Many folks had family fly in from various locations...even all the way from Australia and Norway!

We had some sentimental moments in our first Green Room, including awesome messages from our staff, and then it was time to get ready for SHOWTIME!

With my roommate, Sifan
Love this girl! Sage!

Here are a few pictures from the show!
Pre-show Loop!

Oh yeah...I'm the Emcee for the United States! haha. I love it!

After the show

After the show, we did strike/other tasks until midnight. Our host families picked us up and our first show was officially done! I was so hyped up on energy, however, that I couldn't sleep until 1:30am! haha. Great first day! Here's to many more!


Joan P said...

Amazing! Thanks for all these blogs .. . .helps ease the pain that I feel since I'm not there experiencing all these great things with you. And again, congrats on the EMCEE job! Love you.

Hope said...

Yay! It looks like you are having soooo much fun! How did you get picked to be the EMCEE? What exactly do you do?

Unknown said...

Hope, I was picked through an audition process, like everything else for the show. I worked a bit with the staff, and the next thing I knew, I was the only one reading for the part! I basically narrate the show. I welcome everyone, introduce things, and do a bit with audience members right after intermission. I close the show up, too, and thank all the sponsors.