Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bowling Bash!

A big thank you to everyone who came to my Bowling Extravaganza Going-Away Party/Fundraiser last night! We had 19 folks bowling, and it was a lot of fun seeing folks one last time before heading out on tour! Here are some pictures my mama snapped of the evening!

The "Old Folks" as Mama Trow so nicely titled the group! =P
Mama (Leslie) Trow, Mommy, Jason, and Dad!

My Bro-Bro and Sis-in-Law

Me, Kyle, Liesl, and Ray...with QUITE the smile!

The Brothers Demos...aka Zack and Alex

Ray and Nick

Alex, Chesney, and Chelsea

Other Alex, Amanda, and Katie!

Lissy and Liesl

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