Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Garage Sale Update!

Well, we successfully held another weekend of garage sales last week...Sept. 6-8, but we hit a HUGE snafu. A Douglas County Zoning Commissioner showed up to our sale on Thursday around 1pm and told us a neighbor filed a formal complaint with the county stating we'd had too many sales. WHO KNEW there was a limit on having sales? We didn't! We were shocked, and I was honestly in tears over the fact that ALL of my hard work was all for naught. I can't even begin to describe how many hours I've put in to organizing all of these sales, and now I couldn't even complete my fundraiser! What a nightmare!

Anyway, I snapped some pictures of our sale (round #2) so everyone could see JUST how much stuff we had for sale! I thought our sales in July were huge, but those sales have NOTHING on what we put out last weekend. We had so much stuff I was literally telling my mom to STOP bringing stuff out! We just didn't have room!

I would also like to pat myself on the back, again, because so many people walk up and go, "WOW!!! You guys know how to garage sale!" or "This is HANDS DOWN the most organized garage sale I've EVER been to!" or "This sale is unbelievable! Props to you for such a great set up!" etc, etc, etc. What can I say? I'm a STRONG Type A personality who really likes to organize! =) My mom is still convinced the job "professional garage-saler" is in my future. Ha!

Thank you, again, to everyone who has been so generous in their donations and support! I could not do this without you!

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