Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It All Seems More Real! Tour Schedule 2013!!!

My Mom texted me today in class, "Call me when you can." As I headed home from campus, I gave her a ring, and the first thing she greets me with (after a hello and a weather update, of course) was, "So...did you get the UWP Newsletter today?" Me: "Nope...why?" Mom: "Would you like to know where you're going on tour?!?" OH MY GOSH, YES PLEASE!!! It took her for what seemed like FOREVER to pull up the PDF Newsletter, but when she finally did, she announced that the tentative 2013 Cast A tour would be... *drum roll please...*

USA (Florida & the South East area) : February - March


Europe (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg,

Germany, Denmark, Switzerland) : March - April


Mexico : May - June


 In Mexico, we'll get to learn the entire show in Spanish! Here's the Up With People theme song in Spanish!


Honestly, I couldn't be more happy! There are so many place in Europe I've wanted to travel to, with Switzerland being one of my top choices, and I'm beyond thrilled that we'll get to spend a month in Europe before heading to Mexico! I was hesitant about Mexico possibly being on my tour until I talked to cast members who have been before. Apparently, Mexico is the BEST location of anywhere! UWP cast members are like rock stars to audiences at all Mexican performances, so much so that sometimes they've had to hire body guards for the cast because the audience goes CRAZY and wants to jump all over them as if they were famous! Audiences know songs and sing along, and it seems like an amazing time!!! Needless to say, I know this will be an unforgettable experience with MANY different performing and cultural opportunities that will stay with me for the rest of my life! 

The newsletter also announced more about the show we'll be performing! Voices, a new show written to premier this August, will be the show I get to perform! Here is a description! I can't wait to see it this summer in Denver so I can get even MORE pumped for my semester as a cast member come January 2013!!!!! 

"Up with People’s newest production, Voices, will hit the road in August of 2012. The show is themed around the power and the irony of communication in today’s global climate: from the freedom and connection given to the disenfranchised by social media, to the prospect of an electronic smile replacing a real one. And, emerging through it all— the voices of a generation committed to justice and human dignity.
Motivated by recent worldwide events and mentored by Paul and Ralph Colwell, the creative team built on the tradition of Up with People shows over the past 46 years to craft a production that will entertain audiences of all ages. While the style of music has changed over the years, the timeless messages of hope, international unity and understanding have not, and provide the bedrock that the show is built up-on.
The old standards are still there: Voices features medleys of popular music representing “voices” of the radio, video, and digital generations, as well as a medley of international mu-sic from Asia, the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Woven throughout the production are original Up with People songs tying the theme of the show together, and showcasing the hope personified by the international cast of 120 performing together.
By the end of the show, audiences will feel empowered to connect, communicate, and create positive change in their communities. They will have a new perspective on human-kind, and will be inspired to “…rise above the noises, and listen to the voices of the world.”
Voices of the World
The writing process began with gathering input from multiple sources. The creative team reached out to international artists and alumni from around the world, as well as the young people touring with recent Up with People casts.
Additionally, well-known names from past Up with People productions were intimately involved in pulling the theme together, including Angel Cortes, Lynne Morris, Paul Colwell, Ralph Colwell, Pat Murphy, Bill Welsh and Lynn Hart.
Finally, the world situation – fluid as it is – continues to provide the final source of input. The creative team remains committed to ensuring the messages delivered are consistent with the questions raised on an international scope."

GET EXCITED! It's going to be amazing!!! I can't wait to share more about this experience as it gets closer and closer! =)

1 comment:

Joan P said...

I can absolutely feel your enthusiasm! Can't wait for you to have this fantastic experience! Love you!