Sunday, June 9, 2013

Roomie Blog: San Luis Potosi

For our last week on tour, 4 of us had the privilege of staying together with a wonderful, fun family in San Luis Potosi! We had so much fun together and had SO many great conversations day in and day out. I absolutely loved my time with Brekken, Brenda, and Marion!

From: Sheridan, Wyoming
Age: 19
Favorite Color: Pink!
Speaks: English and some Spanish!
Brekken's favorite thing we did as roomates this week: Eating homemade hamburgers and fries and talking around the table all night!

Fun Facts about Brekken:
- She's SUPER all the time!
- She's a phenomenal singer (and quite the poster child for UWP! =D)
- She'll be working as a staff member for UWP next year! Hooray!
- She's afraid of moths
- She HATES condiments
- She's obsessed with Nutella and Ferrero Rocher.

Brekken (WY), Brenda (Mexico), me, Marion (Belgium)

From: Aguascalientes, Mexico
Age: 24
Favorite Color: Blue and purple
Speaks: Spanish and English
Brenda's favorite thing we did as roomates this week: Late night conversations and being caught (and getting in trouble) eating late night snacks in the kitchen...oops! Sorry Yaya! haha

Fun Facts about Brenda:
- She's one of five girls
- She likes gymnastics and volleyball
- She's also a fantastic singer and can do a great impression of an 80s Mexican popstar!
- You'd never guess because she's quiet 99.9% of the time, but she loves to talk!
- She's being hosted by the coolest people ever when staging in Denver next semester (in case you didn't guess, that's ME and my family!)
With our Host Mom, Alejandra
From: Brussels, Belgium
Age: 21
Favorite Color: Blue
Speaks: French, English, and Dutch
Marion's favorite thing we did as roomates this week: (She agreed with Brenda's answer) Late night conversations and being caught (and getting in trouble) eating late night snacks in the kitchen.

Fun Facts about Marion:
- We wanted to room together ALL semester, and FINALLY in our last city, our wish was granted! We did a happy dance! =)
- She loves all sports, but she's done flying trapeze for 5 years!
- She loves camping
- Before UWP, she had never been on stage, but now she loves it!
- Her nose always runs when she how's THAT for a fun fact?!?
Loved hanging out in the park with these ladies on our very last Host Family Day!

Thanks for an incredible week, girls. I wouldn't change it for the world!

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