Friday, March 22, 2013

Host Family Day: Savannah, GA

Apparently there isn’t a whole lot to do in Statesboro, GA, because about half the cast ended up in Savannah, GA for our host family day! We shopped along the water front on River Street and had a great day running into tons of Uppie families! Before we got to Savannah, however, our family enjoyed sleeping in and a pancake breakfast! Clemence had never had pancakes before, so I insisted I make some for her! They weren’t the best, but they made do! =)
I tried to upload my homework on the Prosser’s computer that morning, but when I took my assignments upstairs on my flashdrive to upload them, I learned that their computer was so old it only had a floppy disk or CD slot…no USB ports! Yikes! I had to get more creative about how to upload my homework since I didn’t have the necessary technology!

We headed to Savannah and stopped at a restaurant that Billy and Sylvia LOVE so we could try their onion rings…another yummy thing Clemence had never tried! We enjoyed some salads, as well, before hitting the road to River Street.

Once there, we enjoyed the sunshine and gorgeous weather, as well as all the cute shops around. I found some postcards, some really neat jewelry, and some other random souvenir type things. Billy had to take off for work, so we said goodbye to him while out and about. Then us girls enjoyed the candy shops and getting to see them make taffy – Sylvia SPOILED us by buying us chocolate bark and pecan clusters. YUM! Once we’d seen all we wanted to see, we headed back home but stopped for dinner along the way. We stopped and got burgers at a pretty tasty restaurant, then headed back home to pack and finish everything up! It was a great day and we really enjoyed ourselves!

Taffy machine! It rolls the taffy into a thin strip, cuts it, wraps it, and shoots it to the taffy elevator!
Hat store
By one of the fountains they dyed green for St. Patrick's day
Out to conquer the world!

River Street

Dinner out

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