Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Host Daddy!

Today happens to be my host dad's birthday! Happy Birthday, Edward! I couldn't have asked for a more amazing hosting experience. I love the time I've spent with the Piscia's and look forward to the rest of my time in Lakeland! I feel so at home and love this first extension of my soon-to-be HUGE family worldwide! =)

We had a small get-together yesterday for Edward's birthday. I baked him a cake (to the best of my ability without any of my normal cake decorating equipment! Yikes!) and we enjoyed some fun company and celebration!

With the Birthday Boy!

I got Edward a kitty Princess card. I thought it was appropriate! haha
That mixer's got power! I was shocked!
Edward and Jessica wanted to lick the beaters. Awww...they're cute!
Our night a few nights ago! Edward and I were Wii buddies with awesome 3D glasses!

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