Tuesday, December 25, 2012

T-Minus 10 Days!!!

This seems so unreal to actually say that I leave for Orlando, FL in 10 DAYS! TEN!!! I've been waiting for this adventure since the summer of 2011, and now I can literally count the remaining days on my hands! At this point, my blog is going to turn from a source of fundraising and promoting to more of a personal diary of my adventures. I want to be able to capture this journey from start to finish, including my thoughts, fears, excitements, and all other emotions prior to leaving!

So...what must I do in the next 10 days you ask? Well...
  • Work on my "host family" scrapbook (granted, I'll be scrapbooking while on the road, but I still want to prep the book a bit...maybe)
  • Double check my sponsor dates with those who "Sponsored-A-Day" in my fundraising endeavors
  • Shop for all my little necessary odds and ends, like lotion, face wash, cough drops, and those random things that I'll need for 6 months on the road. 
  • Return some things from previous shopping endeavors
  • Buy my ebooks for the college courses I'll be taking in conjunction with UWP
  • Get my schoolwork in order (goodness knows I would freak out if I wasn't organized before "school" starts!)
  • Do my HOMEWORK. Yup...I have homework already. I have 1 of 3 assignments done. Luckily, they're pretty darn easy for this first round.
  • Host and have fun at my Bowling Extravaganza Going-Away Party/Fundraiser on Friday night
  • Catch up with friends while we're all still in town!
  • Get my haircut
  • And...PACK! 

Oh mylanta am I nervous about packing! My anxiety is through the roof about packing the right things, making it all fit, and NOT going over the 50lb. limit! Fingers crossed I can do it! =) My suitcase has been sitting in my room ever since I got it at the end of November, and I've started throwing some stuff in that I don't use currently, but things that I wear day-to-day still haven't been packed. My room has exploded. I hate walking through the door every time I enter my room, but it's one of those situations that has to get worse before it gets better! Before I leave on January 4th...my room will be spotless!
Here's my wonderfully enormous, adorable, and awesome suitcase. We'll see how the packing goes!

Packing attempt #1...too much! Need to revise! BUT HOW?!? Ugh!

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