Monday, September 3, 2012

On Your Mark...Get Set...Garage Sales Round #2!!!

The time has come. Everyone in the Polete household has been gearing up for another epic month of garage sales! Our house has been bursting at the seams with all the donated items we've obtained in the last much so that our 3-car garage is no longer a proper place to park our 3 vehicles. No, no, no, silly! The garage is for all of our merchandise! The cars are parked on the driveway! haha. We've literally filled up all three spaces and barely have room to walk anymore. Plus there's a huge stash still inside. I'm actually quite terrified thinking about how we're going to fit all of this stuff in the sale, because we had a full lot with the left-overs from our July sales. Now we've practically doubled our inventory! HOLY SMOKES!

Anyway - here's a preview! Make sure to stop by any or all weekends of the sales in September! We'll be here! And if you find it in your heart to help out and volunteer some of our time, I would LOVE YOU FOREVER! Truly...the more hands on deck, the better! Please let me know if you're free!


Plus about a gazillion other items! In the market for something in particular? Chances are...we have it!
Stop on by and see us! Starting THIS THURSDAY, September 6th at 9am!

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